fill [fil] vt. 裝滿,填(寫)write
fill ...with... 使...充滿...
fill out/up a form 填表
fill in... 填寫..., 替代...
e.g. george is the best(最好的) person to fill this vacancy(空缺).
find [faind] vt.found, found, finding 找到, 發(fā)現discover
find out... 發(fā)現..., 查明(真相等)
e.g. i find russian grammar語法 very difficult困難的.
finding ['faindiŋ] n. 發(fā)現(discovery),(pl.)調查/研究的結果
e.g. the research(研究) findings will be published(公布)next week.
finish ['finiʃ] vt.完成accomplish, complete, fulfill, 結束end n. 最后階段, 完成
e.g. i have finished cleaning使清潔 the room房間.
fire ['faiə] n. 火, 火災射擊 vt. 點燃, 放槍, <口>解雇(dismiss),著火
catch fire 著火
be on fire 起火, 正興奮著
make a fire 生火
set fire to... 點燃...
e.g. according to 根據the law of labour勞動法, bosses老板 can't fire workers at will 任意地any longer不再.
fix [fiks] vt. 固定install, fit, 修理repair, mend, 安排arrange, 注目
fix up 安排,修理, 解決
e.g. i asked(要求) the boy to fix the bicycle(自行車).
flood [flʌd] n. 洪水,水災 v. 淹沒,大量涌到
flood in... 大量地涌到...涌入
flood... with... 使...充滿
e.g. there was a flood of complaints(抱怨) from the press(報紙上的報道) about him.
flow [fləu] vi. (液體)流動,飄動wave n. 水流current, stream 氣流, 流量
flow away 流走
flow into... 流入...
e.g. her tears眼淚 flowed fast很快地 at the bad懷的 news消息.
fly [flai] vi. (flew, flown, flyin)乘飛機, 飛越, 使飄揚n. 蒼蠅
fly a kite 放風箏
fly disease 蠅疾病
fly high 有雄心大志, 情緒高漲
e.g. housework家務 keeps mother on the fly忙碌 all day.
focus ['fəukəs] n. (興趣活動等的)中心center v. 聚焦concentrate
focus... on/upon... 把(精力/注意力)集中在…
e.g. you must try to focus your mind思想) on work工作 and study學習.
follow ['fɔləu] vt. 跟隨chase, go after, pursue,理解understand, comprehend, catch on,遵循comply with, keep to, obey, observe,從事,注視
as follows 如下
e.g. the children followed their mother into the room房間.
force [fɔ:s] n. 力量power, strength,武力violence (pl.)軍隊army, troop vt. 強迫compel
force sb to do sth. 迫使某人做...
put sth into force 使...生效
come into force 生效,實施
e.g. the thief小偷 took拿走 the money from the old man by force用暴力.
forget [fə'get] vt.forgot, forgotten, forgetting 忘記,忽略ignore, overlook, neglect
forget to do sth. 忘記了要做...
forget doing sth. 忘記曾經做過...
e.g.she forgot to post郵寄 the letter.