


gain [gein]    v.1 得到 獲得 obtain, get, earn2增加increase    3( 、表)走快

n. 1營利   2(pl.)利潤profit, 收益benefit, 3 增加increase

gain weight                            體重增加

gain profit                            獲得利益

gain the advantage of...               勝過..., 優(yōu)于...

gain time                              走得快, 贏得時間

no pains no gains.                     不勞則無獲。

e.g.he quickly(很快地) gained experience(經驗).


game [geim]    n. 1比賽(match)2游戲(play),3pl.運動會(sports),4 獵物(總稱)

olympic games                            奧運會

computer games                           電腦游戲

e.g.football(足球) is a team game.


gap [gæp]  n. 1 差距(difference, interval),缺口,裂口

generation gap                            代溝

e.g.there are wide(寬的) gaps in my knowledge(知識) of history(歷史).


gather ['gæðə]    v. 1聚集(assemble, collect),2收集(collect)3逐漸增加(gain)  4推測   guess

gather information /experience           逐漸獲得消息/積累經驗

e.g. the teacher gathered the pupils(小學生)  round her.


gene [dʒi:n]      n. [遺傳]基因

gene engineering                           基因工程

gene therapy ['θerəpi]                              基因治療

e.g. this gene associated with---有關系 particular nerve神經 in brain


generate ['dʒenəreit]  vt. 使產生(produce),使發(fā)生(cause, bring about)

e.g.when coal burns(燃燒), it generates heat.


generation [,dʒenə'reiʃən]  n.1一代,一代人2產生(production)  3生育

the young generation                        年輕的一代

generation gap                              代溝

e.g.we belong to (屬于)the same(相同的) generation.



gentleman  ['dʒentlmən]  n.  先生, 紳士

gentleman's agreement                     君子協(xié)定

e.g. many british men are gentleman


german ['dʒə:mən] n. 德國人, 德語adj. 德國的, 德國人的, 德語的

germany ['dʒə:məni] n. 德國


get [get]  vt. got, gotten, getting

1獲得(gain, obtain, acquire, win, achieve)2變成 (become, fall, grow)3染上(catch, develop),4抓住seize), 5到達

get along (with)                    ---和睦相處,取得進展

get at                              到達,領會

get away from                       離開   逃脫

get back (to)-----(from)            從某處回到某處

get by                               通過  應付

get down to                         著手進行

get in                              進入  收獲

get in the way                      成為障礙

get off                             下車    脫身     動身

get out                              離開   泄露      出版

get over                             恢復     完成

get out of order                     失控     毀壞

get through                          完成  到達  通過考試   打通電話

get to=arrive at/in, reach        到達...

get together                         聚會

get up                               起床

e.g.i'll get something to eat before i got out外出, 離開.


give [giv]  vt.(gave, given, giving) ,授予(award, grant)贈送(present),舉行(hold), 傳遞(消息)

give up...                放棄(念頭、希望等)

give in                    屈服  讓步

give away                       泄露(秘密),贈送

give way (to...)          屈服于...,坍塌

give off...               發(fā)出(蒸汽、光等)

give out                  分發(fā), 發(fā)出(氣味、熱等), 發(fā)表

e.g.we gave her flowers() for her birthday生日.