1.smug:a. 自滿的,沾沾自喜的
例如:I reckon she has good reason to feel smug.(我認為她洋洋得意必有其緣故。)
2.snag:n. 1. 潛在的困難,意外的障礙 2. 尖利的突出物v. 絆住
3.snare:n. 1. 羅網(wǎng),陷阱 2. 誘人上當?shù)氖挛?v. (用羅網(wǎng)或陷阱)誘捕
例如:I used tosnare small birds such as sparrows.(我曾常用羅網(wǎng)捕捉麻雀等小鳥。)
4.snipe:v. 1. 伏擊,狙擊 2. 抨擊
例如:A gunman sniped at them from the roof.(槍手從屋頂上向他們狙擊。)
5.snooty:a. 妄自尊大的,傲慢的
例如:He's toosnooty to associate with his old friends now he's rich. (他現(xiàn)在富有了竟然傲慢的不屑與老朋友交往了。)
6.snub:v. & n. 冷落,怠慢
例如:She snubbed him by ignoring his question.(她不去理他的問題,借此冷落他。)
7.sobriety:n. 審慎,節(jié)制
8.soggy:a. 濕透的,粘濕的
例如:The ground was soggy after the heavy rain.(大雨過后, 地面濕透了。)
9.solace:n. 安慰,慰藉 v. 安慰某人
His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.(演藝事業(yè)突然一落千丈,他便借酒澆愁。)
10.solemnity:n. 1. 莊嚴,嚴肅 2. 鄭重的儀式,典禮