新浪微博 @wangxiaocn關(guān)注微博
聯(lián)系方式 400-18-8000
輕水反應(yīng)堆 light water reactor( LWR)
清水衙門 work unit which has no outside income
清算/結(jié)算 clearing /settlement
清算公司 clearing corporation; liquidation company
清算銀行 clearing bank
情同手足 be bound together like brothers and sisters
傾銷 dump; dumping
輕型汽車 light-duty vehicle
情有獨鐘 show special preference (favor) to …
青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
清潔用品 cleaning supplies
情景喜劇 situation comedy; sitcom
情侶裝 his-and -hers clothes
請勿亂丟雜物 no littering
清正廉明 be honest and clean
清真食品 Halal food
七年之癢 seven years itch
企事業(yè)單位 enterprise and public institution
求 大 同 , 存 小 異 seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones
求實精神 matter-of -fact attitude
求職信 applicat ion letter
求同存異 seek common ground while putting aside differences
企業(yè)的承受能力 the sustainability of enterprises
企 業(yè) 分 離 辦 社 會 relieving enterprises of their obligat ion to operate social programs