——我選擇,我喜...《2014年國際貨代考試《專業(yè)英語》常用詞總結1》由中大網(wǎng)校國際貨運代理人考試考試網(wǎng)發(fā)布。" />




發(fā)表時間:2014/4/4 17:15:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信
來源:   【貨運代理考試');">——我選擇,我喜歡】   2013年11月6日



  tractor 牽引車/拖頭

  low-bed 低平板車

  trailer 拖車

  transporter 拖車

  trucking company 車隊(汽車運輸公司)

  axle load 軸負荷

  tire-load 輪胎負荷

  toll gate 收費口


  bonded area 保稅區(qū)

  bonded goods ( goods in bond) 保稅貨物

  bonded warehouse 保稅庫

  caged stored at bonded warehouse 進入海關監(jiān)管

  fork lift 叉車

  loading platform 裝卸平臺


  a friday(tuesday / thursday)sailing 周五班

  a fortnight sailing 雙周班

  a bi-weekly sailing 周雙班

  a monthly sailing 每月班

  on-schedule arrival / departure 準班抵/離

  eta :estimated(expected) time of arrival 預計到達時間

  etb: estimated(expected)time of berthing 預計靠泊時間

  etd estimated(expected) time of departure 預計離泊時間

  the sailing schedule/vessels are subject to change without prior notice。船期/船舶如有變更將不作事先通知

  closing date:截止申報時間

  cut-off time:截關日


  ocean freight 海運費

  sea freight 海運費

  freight rate 海運價

  charge / fee (收)費

  dead freight 空艙費

  dead space: space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized 虧艙

  surcharge / additional charge 附加費

toll 橋/境費

  charges that are below a just and reasonable level 低于正當合理的收費

  market price level 市場價水平

  special rate 特價

  rock bottom price 最低底價

  best obtainable price 市場最好價

  cc freight to collect 到付運費

  freight payable at destination 到付運費

  back freight 退貨運費

  fixed price 固定價格

  comm. commission 傭金

  rebate 回扣/折扣

  drayage charge: made for local hauling by dray or truck 拖運費

  gri :general rate increase 運價上調(diào)

  sgri :second general rate increase 第二次運價上調(diào)

  grd :general rate decrease 運價下調(diào)

  tgrd :temporary general rate decrease 臨時運價下調(diào)

  pss :peak season surcharge 旺季附加費

  wharfage: a charge assessed by a pier against freight handled over the pier 碼頭附加費

  thc :terminal handling charge 碼頭操作附加費

  orc :origin receiving charge 始發(fā)接單費

  cuc :chassis usage charge 拖車運費

  iac :inter-modal administrative charge(u.s. inland surcharge) 內(nèi)陸運輸附加費

  ddc :destination delivery charge (目的地卸貨費)

  oac: origin accessory charge 始發(fā)港雜費

  maf: manifest amendment fee 艙單改單費






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