:我的學習樂園,我的考...《2014國際貨運代理人《專業(yè)英語》講義1》由中大網(wǎng)校國際貨運代理人考試考試網(wǎng)發(fā)布。" />
了解: Definition and Importance, Barriers to International Trade
熟悉: Differences between International Trade and Domestic
Trade, WTO
掌握: Risks in International Trade, Steps of International Trade
1. Definition and Importance
2. Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade
3. Risks in International Trade
4. World Trade Organization
5. Barriers to International Trade
6. Steps of International Trade
2. Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade
International trade is typically more costly(成本高) than domestic trade.(reason: additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to board delays and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system, culture. )
The factors of production( 生產(chǎn)要素)are typically more mobile (流動)within a country than across countries. (International trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and service).
International trade is also a branch of economics, which together with international finance, forms the large branch of international economics.
3. Risks in International Trade
Economic risks
(1)insolvency (破產(chǎn))of the buyer; (2)the failure of the buyer to pay the amount; (3)non-acceptance;(4) exchange rate, etc.
Political risks
(1)cancellation or non-renewal of export or import licenses ; (2)war risks; (3)expropriation or confiscation of the importer’s company; (4)risk of the imposition of an import ban (禁止進口)after the shipment of the goods;(5) transfer risk—imposition of exchange controls (外匯管制) by the importer’s country or foreign currency shortages; (6)influence of political parties in importer’s company.
4.World Trade Organization
WTO definition(世貿(mào)組織)
It is best described as an umbrella organization (傘式組織)under which the agreements that came out of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations(烏拉圭多邊貿(mào)易談判) are gathered.
WTO functions
to implement, administer, and carry out WTO Agreement and it annexes;
to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations;
to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes;
to review (評價、回顧)the trade policies and practices of member states.
5. Steps (步驟)of International Trade
Starting with market research
Seeking customers
Contact each other by sending inquiries
Status inquiry(詢價狀況)
Quotations or offers;acceptance or non acceptance
Order; contract
Obtaining import/export license; opening L/C ,receiving L/C
Preparation of goods by the seller
Inspection or survey of goods
Reserving shipping space(訂艙)
Effecting insurance
Customs clearance
Shipping advice
Negotiation of export documents under L/C by the beneficiary
Redemption of documents (贖單)under L/C
Customs clearance for import
Delivery of goods
Lodging and settling claims (索理賠)(if any)