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發(fā)表時間:2014/11/25 14:26:01 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

1. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _____ the developments and recorded every detail.

A) in B) at C) for D) on

2. There’s little chance that mankind would ________ a nuclear war.

A) retain B) endure C) maintain D) survive

3. Nuclear science be developed to benefit the people ________ harm them.

A) more than B) other than C) rather than D) better than

4. The French pianist who had been praised very highly ________ to be a great disappointment.

A) turned up B) turned in C) turned out D) turned down

5. Many difficulties have ________ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.

A) risen B) arisen C) raised D) arrived

6. He made such a ________ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.

A) genuine B) minimum C) modest D) generous

7. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ________.

A) gaps B) intervals C) length D) distance

8. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ________.

A) out of work B) out of stock C) out of reach D) out of practice

9. Our company decided to ________ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.

A) destroy B) resist C) assume D) cancel

10. She is ________ a musician than her brother.

A) much of B) much as C) more of D) more as

答案:1-5 DDCCB 6-10 DBBDA

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